Daily Activities

You will lead team of 10 service product data specialists and run GS product data maintenance in Enovia PLM, other PDM applications and ensure data replications to downstream systems.

Your scope of work will include:

  • manage and improve Nokia Global Service data / product data quality to increase delivery quality
  • evolve the framework for product data management in GS.
  • manage the interface and linkage into Services Business Units, our Logistic unit, other Nokia BGs product data management activities and ensure cross-company alignment
  • improvement of Data maintenance efficiency in GS, design improvement measures and facilitate implementation within Nokia Global Services
  • alignment of Nokia Business Change Programs with Services Product Data Mgmt area and support the Business Unit´s portfolio/product management
  • operational management of GS product data maintenance in Enovia PLM and downstream applications

We Work With

  • Enovia PLM
  • Cares
  • SAP P20
  • Continuous integration systems
  • MS O365

Our Expectations

  • strong track record of management of product master data activities in a global operating company with a large Services business, ideally within a familiar industry like telecommunications or IT
  • strong understanding of product data structures and activities, data flows and interfaces
  • good track record in project management across business units
  • understanding of Services processes and their dependencies
  • profound Logistics or Delivery background
  • good understanding of product data structures and activities, data flows and interfaces
  • ability to design, concept and create governance & integration models
  • knowledge of Enovia PLM
  • innovative, yet structured approach from idea to implementation
  • good presentation skills, both visual and verbal
  • good networking, communication and negotiation skills on management level
  • good leadership skills, ability to coach and guide
  • good communication in English (both written and spoken)
Please be informed that we reserve ourselves the right to contact only with selected candidates.

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Możliwość pracy dla światowego lidera branży telekomunikacyjnej, który dostarcza rozwiązania dla największych operatów sieci komórkowych nie jest jedynym benefitem, który oferujemy.
Dbamy również o szerokie spektrum korzyści dla Ciebie i Twoich bliskich.


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Service Product Data Manager – Team Leader

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