Daily Activities

The candidate to this position will have following responsibilities:

  • work with architects and Technical Leaders in requirement development process
  • design the split of functionalities between software components within the BTS
  • provide feature analysis report and feasibility base on the current HW & SW architecture, analyze the impact to SW and HW components
  • analyze BTS feature requirements, feature effort estimation, prepare/define E2E feature design
  • provide qualified BTS specifications to SW implementation team and I&V teams
  • prepare/define BTS design and interfaces specification
  • based on defined BTS requirements, specify detailed BTS functionalities and behaviors; define the BTS component level requirement and allocate proper functionalities to those components
  • prepare/define BTS requirements and acceptance criteria
  • analyze features and adapt requirements for future customer`s needs
  • lead features or represent defined specification area
  • co-operate with Architecture team members during whole Feature Lifecycle
  • close co-operation with development teams involved in changes for owned specification areas
  • improve readability / quality of entity level functional specification for owned specification areas

As Specification Engineer you will be a part of local specification team, however the daily work will be performed within the international team of Architects, Technical Managers, Product Managers, Software Engineers and Integration Engineers. This position gives you an opportunity to improve your analytical, negotiating and technical skills in Base Station Architecture and specification area, grow and learn how to work in an international company.

We Work With

  • Sphinx
  • UML
  • Rational DOORS
  • Jira
  • Version control and code review systems

Our Expectations

  • Master’s or Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Telecommunications, Computer Science or Software Technology or equivalent education
  • good knowledge within mobile network technologies, radio systems architecture and standards 3GPP
  • good knowledge of software design techniques
  • experience with requirements engineering on system and network element level
  • basic knowledge of agile development methods
  • good interpersonal skills and capability to work in international, multi-site environment
  • good analytical skills and open-mindedness, positive attitude and willing to solve not trivial problems
  • good communication in English (both written and spoken)
Please be informed that we reserve ourselves the right to contact only with selected candidates.

Dlaczego warto z nami pracować?


Możliwość pracy dla światowego lidera branży telekomunikacyjnej, który dostarcza rozwiązania dla największych operatów sieci komórkowych nie jest jedynym benefitem, który oferujemy.
Dbamy również o szerokie spektrum korzyści dla Ciebie i Twoich bliskich.


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Specification Engineer

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